David Saylor - uventia

David Saylor

David Saylor

David Saylor

Research Materials Engineer


David Saylor has been a staff member at the US Food and Drug Administration for the past 19 years. At the USFDA, he has pursued research in theoretical and computational materials science applied to medical device applications. These efforts have focused on the dynamics of medical device material systems and tissue interactions at multiple length scales: atomistic/molecular, microstructural, and device scales. This research has addressed a variety of premarket and postmarket issues for medical devices, including the impact of manufacturing changes and tissue composition on the performance of controlled drug release systems, the release and retention of nickel in patients implanted with nickel-containing alloy devices, and patient exposure to potentially toxic additives in biomedical plastics.

Speaker Details
  • Profession
    Research Materials Engineer
  • Company
  • Address
    10903 New Hampshire Ave Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002
Speaker Details
  • Profession
    Research Materials Engineer
  • Company
  • Address
    10903 New Hampshire Ave Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002