Kevin Cross
VP, Principal Investigator U.S. FDA Research Collaborations

Dr. Kevin Cross is a vice-president at Instem, where he is Principal Investigator of U.S. FDA/Leadscope collaborations. His current responsibilities include the collaborative research and development of QSAR models and databases with U.S. FDA. He is also responsible for the development of the Leadscope Enterprise product and leads the software development and database production groups. He received his Ph.D. in chemistry from Michigan State University and has been developing chemoinformatics tools and products for over 35 years. He is involved in several collaborative efforts to create protocols and procedures for performing in silico assessments for regulatory purposes as well as to assess their performance. Recently he is: 1) co-leading a project on N-Nitrosamine Structure-Activity Relationships involving over 23 companies and institutions, 2) is on an EMA contract and 3) a HESI GTTC sub-team studying nitrosamine testing and SARs. He has authored over 30 papers and over 40 presentations.