Leon F. Stankowski, Jr. - uventia

Leon F. Stankowski, Jr.

Leon F. Stankowski

Leon F. Stankowski, Jr.

Senior Scientific Director, Genetic and In Vitro Toxicology


Dr. Leon F. Stankowski, Jr. is responsible for guiding research and development for new services in the Genetic and In Vitro Toxicology Department, and providing guidance on all aspects of genetic toxicology to help clients reach their goal of regulatory approval for new products. He also acts as a consultant to clients with a lack of genetic toxicology expertise or those who have encountered adverse genetic toxicology issues.

Dr. Stankowski, Jr. is active in the EMGS, GTA (past BOD, current treasurer), and the HESI Genetic Toxicology Technical Committee (past co-chair, current member of the Nitrosamine Workgroup and others). He is a member of various Expert Workgroups drafting/revising the OECD genotoxicity test guidelines, and CORESTA and other groups addressing the challenges of evaluating electronic and next generation nicotine delivery systems.

December 4, 2024
Meeting with subject matter experts to evaluate different points of view on how to solve the problems associated with mutagenic impurities. Recording of 2 days event sessions [13 video sessions].

DAY 2: December 5th, 2024

SESSION: Validation of the Enhanced Ames Test for Nitrosamines

◆  Optimization of test conditions.

◆  Selection of positive controls.

◆  Collecting historical control data.

◆  Follow-up for positive or negative responses.

3rd Annual Genotoxic Impurities Nitrosamines & Beyond
November 30, 2023
Learn the best techniques and cutting-edge methods for reducing genotoxic and elemental impurities. Recording of 2 days event sessions [17 video sessions].

DAY 2: December 1st, 2023

SESSION: An update on the ongoing efforts to optimize the ames assay by the hesigttc mechanism-based genotoxicity risk assessment (MGRA) nitrosamine subgroup

◆  Workgroup members and organization.

◆  Key protocol features and rationale.

◆  Comparison of metabolic activation conditions and results to date.

Speaker Details
  • Profession
    Senior Scientific Director, Genetic and In Vitro Toxicology
  • Company
    Charles River Laboratories
  • Address
    Skokie, IL 60077 (USA)
Speaker Details
  • Profession
    Senior Scientific Director, Genetic and In Vitro Toxicology
  • Company
    Charles River Laboratories
  • Address
    Skokie, IL 60077 (USA)