Mike Urquhart - uventia

Mike Urquhart

Mike Urquhart

Mike Urquhart

Scientific Director

The United Kingdom

Mike Urquhart having originally trained as a chemist, I have over 25 years’ experience within the Pharmaceutical industry, working mainly in process development as a synthetic chemist. Roles within GSK included lab chemist, chemistry project leader for projects spanning early through to late clinical phases, team manager, Chemistry Manufacturing and Control (CMC) project manager and coordination of CMC related due diligence activities. I am a GSK mutagenic impurity risk assessment subject matter expert and co-chair the Impurities Oversight Panel. As a Senior Fellow at GSK, I work across industry within trade associations around aspects of ICH M7 and presents externally on best practice for mutagenic impurity control strategies for pharmaceutical products.

December 4, 2024
We are planning to hold an online meeting with subject matter experts to evaluate different points of view on how to solve the problems associated with mutagenic impurities.

DAY 1: December 4th, 2024

SESSION: Emerging focus for drug product assessment for N-nitrosamines – perspective on quality, safety and regulatory environment

◆  Emergence of new guidance to establish AI and further understanding for NDSRI formation in DP published.

◆  Changes to the DP risk assessment process as a consequence.

◆  Actions to take when an NDSRI is realised – includes discussion of using metabolism ID studies to help build understanding (weight of evidence) for the N-nitrosamine toxicity.

◆  High level overview of GSK experiences of remediation in DS and DP.

3rd Annual Genotoxic Impurities Nitrosamines & Beyond
November 30, 2023
Learn the best techniques and cutting-edge methods for reducing genotoxic and elemental impurities. Recording of 2 days event sessions [17 video sessions].

DAY 1: November 30th, 2023

SESSION: Management of N-nitrosamines and their risk assessment within GSK R&D

◆  How N-nitrosamines might form within DS and DP and how to assess.

◆  Experiences of Step 2 testing.

◆  Steps taken when an N-nitrosamine and/or N-nitroso drug substance related impurity (NDSRI) is confirmed.

◆  How GSK are assessing risk in R&D.

◆  Reflections and looking forward.

2nd Annual Genotoxic Impurities Nitrosamines & Beyond
December 1, 2022
Learn about best practices and innovative approaches to genotoxic and other mutagenic impurities control. Recording of 2 days event sessions [13 video sessions].

DAY 1: December 1st, 2022

SESSION: Nitrosamine risk assessment in pharmaceuticals

◆  Background to impurity control, ICH M7 for mutagenic impurities and nitrosamines.

◆  Development of cross industry approaches to nitrosamine assessment of API and drug product.

◆  Experiences from Step 2 testing and discharging risk to potential Remediation activities.

◆  Positioning of regulatory submissions.

Speaker Details
Speaker Details