Dr. Ulrich Rose
Head of Division A and Deputy Head of European Pharmacopoeia Department

Dr. Ulrich Rose is pharmacist by training and obtained his PhD in pharmaceutical chemistry in 1985. Before joining the EDQM in 1991 he was assistant professor and lecturer for pharmaceutical analysis and physico-chemistry at the University of Mainz in Germany.
Until 2011 he was responsible for the establishment and monitoring of Ph. Eur. reference standards in the European Pharmacopoeia laboratory. Moreover, he was involved in the elaboration and revision of Ph. Eur. monographs. After that he became co-ordinator and auditor for EDQM’s Mutual Joint Audit program. Within this function he audited the Official Medicines Control Laboratories in and sometimes outside Europe. Since 2014 he is head of division A and deputy head of the European Pharmacopoeia department where he is overlooking the monograph work on chemically defined active substances, herbals, finished products and general chapters and is involved in the international harmonisation of pharmacopoeias.